Quit Saying 'I'm Just Not a Math Person'

I often hear "I'm just not a math person." Here's why that's not true.

It started with a fairly simple problem. The class of elementary education majors were looking at energy and efficiency. This course is specifically designed to help these students get a basic understanding of the nature of science (using the awesome Physics and Everyday Thinking curriculum). Since the goal is to look at science, we don't have too much math in the course. However, in this case students were trying to find the power needed such that a fluorescent lightbulb would have the same brightness as an incandescent bulb.

In essence, this gives the students a word problem. Some students rise to the challenge, but some students just shut down. I let students work in groups on the problem and then volunteers shared their solution with the class. It was a great activity. Students can see that even if you understand how to solve this problem, it can be very difficult to share that understanding with others. But in the end, I had to make a few statements to the class. This is what I told them.

"I'm just not a math person"

First, this is wrong. You are a math person because you are human. All humans do math. All humans do art and music, and build things and cry, and laugh. It's what makes us human. Second, you are going to be a teacher. You are going to have an enormous impact on young students. If you even think that you don't like math, these students will pick up on your dislike and also not like math.

"But I'm just going to teach 2nd grade"

I have some bad news. Everyone seems to think they are going to be teaching second grade after they graduate. However, I don't think everyone is going to get their first choice of grade level. Just look at me. I wanted to be a space cowboy for my career---but I ended up as a physics professor and blogger (which is pretty fun though).

Ok, so let's assume that you do in fact teach second grade. Will they have to solve a problem like this one in your class? Probably not. However, in order to help kids with 2nd grade math you need to understand math at a higher level than what you teach. Take reading as an example. Suppose a teacher could only read at a second grade level. Could that teacher help second graders to read? I suspect not. The same is true for math.

"Algebra is confusing"

Yes, that's true. Algebra is both confusing and difficult. You know what else is difficult? Riding a bike. Yes, this is not as easy as you think. You only think riding a bike is easy because you worked and practiced riding until you mastered it. If you spend enough time with algebra, you will also think it is easy. Remember that time you were learning to ride your bike and you fell over and scraped your knee? It hurt, right? This is the "scrapping your knee of algebra". You will get better if you just keep at it.

"Ok, so we should teach math in all grade levels, right?"

Math? Yes. But wait! There's more. I think a 2nd grade class should include everything that humans do (well, not everything). Students should study literature, art, history, music and science. Also, there is something else every student should try---programming. Yes, kids can code and so can you.

There are two reasons why everyone should learn to code. First, we live in a world surrounded by computers. We use computers both directly and indirectly in all aspects of our lives. Second, learning to code is much easier in 2015 than it was in 1995. There are really some awesome tools out there that can teach you the very basics. Now, I'm not saying you have to go out and make your own iPhone app. I'm just saying you (and kids) should try it out.

Where should you go to start your class with coding? I recommend code.org. There are some super awesome tutorials that can get you started with coding. It starts off with simple activities involving graphical code (also using Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies). At more advanced levels, it even teaches loops, decisions and even debugging. It's great stuff. The early parts are easily completed by kids as young as 7 years old.

Ok, so let me summarize. DON'T say "you aren't a math person" and DO introduce coding activities into your class. The end.