Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Is Your New Religion

Last night the comedian took on televangelists by starting his own church.
Image may contain John Oliver Human Person Furniture Tangie Ambrose Coat Clothing Overcoat Apparel and Suit
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) At any given moment, it's easy to forget that TV is made to be disposable, and none more than late night. Last Week Tonighthas made itself a more permanent presence by stepping up its commitment to unsung political causes, giving issues room to breath, and simply making learning about the many horrors of the world… funny.HBO

John Oliver is not shy when it comes to taking on massive topics on Last Week Tonight. From food waste to FIFA he's not afraid of a hot-button issue. Last night he took on one of the most sacred cows of all: televangelists. In a righteously angry 20-minute segment he blasted "churches that exploit people's faith for monetary gain." Then after giving televangelists the what for over their lavish lifestyles, he decided to take advantage of the same tax codes they use and founded his own church. Welcome to Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption. Services are held every Sunday at his studio in New York. Watch the first gathering of Oliver's devoted—including Rachel Dratch!—above.